We’re Ranked #26 Team on Social Media in Canada!

Dec 24, 2020 / Community

Property Spark researched hundreds of Canadian groups & teams’ social media channels and went through a certain process to select the best. Property Spark began with finding Canadian groups & teams through different mediums and then looked at objective data regarding the Canadian real groups & teams’ social media presence across various social media channels. Lastly, PropertySpark made sure that all the Canadian Real Estate groups & teams who made it to the final list have great social media presence based on subjective variables.

They’ve been ranking top agents, groups and teams on social media since 2016 we are extremely honoured and very proud to be chosen as one of the Top 40 Canadian Real Estate groups & teams that are the best of the best when it comes to social media for Real Estate in Canada.

The importance of social media for real estate really can’t be overstated. Social media is an absolute goldmine for real estate businesses. It’s important to have a diverse content calendar. Grow and engage your followers with these contents.

Property photos

Social media for real estate is highly visual in terms of content. Stunning, high-res property photos are central to so many real estate business’ social strategies. Not only do eye-popping photos encourage “likes” and shares, but also compel followers to get in touch.

Success stories and client testimonials

One of the biggest benefits of real estate social media posts is the ability to highlight success stories to connect with clients.

Company milestones

Beyond social, awards and accolades are another way to highlight real estate business’ track record. We’re not shy about talking up our business’ accomplishments, But instead, we are proud of our achievements no matter how big or small it is.

Industry and market news

Helpful content and industry reports are one way of keeping clients in the loop. This shows that you’re an active participant in your industry.

New listings and properties

Perhaps the most obvious type of post to publish is your latest listings via photos and captions. Don’t forget to incorporating multiple photos of each listing and using the contact information as a sort of call-to-action.

Home tips and renovation ideas

Renovation ideas and inspiration are both fair game for your prospective buyers and past clients alike. Any sort of educational content on home maintenance serves multiple audiences and once again highlights your know-how.


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