Tips for Buying and Selling a Home in 2021

Mar 16, 2021 / Buying

Low-interest rates help with affordability but they won’t be around forever.

It is inevitable that interest rates cannot and probably should not stay this low forever. It could be in the next six weeks or the next six months, but rates will start to creep up. How the market responds when they do will say a lot about how far the real estate market has to go.

Low inventory is pushing prices higher but a real estate agent knows how to negotiate a win.

When you’re buying a house in a hot market, time is of the essence. A beautiful home that is priced well can attract more than one offer. Find an experienced agent who can guide you through the ins and outs of your local market, follow their advice, and you’ll be in good shape, even in a seller’s market.

It’s a difficult market to be picky in but it’s OK to have a wish list.

Just as it can be a challenge to find the right mate, deciding on the right home can be just as difficult. In many markets these days, inventory is limited, and some homebuyers are struggling to find a home that meets all of the criteria on their wish lists. The reality is that homebuyers may need to face the fact that they will need to compromise.

Looking for the perfect family home in Vaughan? Get in touch—we know the local market, inside and out!

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