Thinking About Selling Your Home?

Nov 24, 2015 / Selling

Are You Thinking About Selling Your Home?

There is no doubt that selling your home can be a stress filled time. Thinking about packing up all of your stuff, finding a new school for the children, leaving the familiarity of your street are all concerns that can cause families to stress about moving. Coming up with a moving strategy is an effective way to stay organized and on track.

Embrace the Stress, Manage the Stress

Moving will be stressful so go into the moving process realizing that life will be ab-normal. Embrace the change in your life and try to keep upbeat in the move process. You are about to embark on a new journey into a new home, remember, to make good memories and take everything in stride. Create to-do checklists and stay on track with deadlines.

Undervaluing Your Home
I have seen it a hundred times before, people always think their home is worth less than it is. Myself and my team can provide you a neighbourhood and market analysis of what your home should sell for and ensure you get top dollar and nothing more. Home owners often oversee how much home staging and minor fixes can add to the value of their home. Adjusting the positioning of a table or couch or removing clutter can make a world of difference in creating a strong open house showing.
Meet With Your Agent Early and Often
As your agent my job goes beyond just selling your home, it is to be your guide. Whether it is helping you reach your selling milestones such as staging your home to being prepared for your first open house, I will be a constant resource in guiding you through the home selling process. If you are thinking about selling take a look at our guaranteed sale program today.
I am always happy to help you through the process of selling your home, give me a call and let’s chat.

Sincerely, Lino

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