How to Find The Best Brokerage For You

Aug 22, 2022 / Agents

In a constantly-changing market like the Greater Toronto Area, finding success as a real estate agent can be challenging. For both new and established agents, joining a brokerage is the best way to keep your career on the right path. 

Each brokerage has its own unique approach to real estate and depending on where you are in your career, some will be able to better support you than others. Here are some tips for finding the right brokerage for you. 

Want to know more about finding a great real estate team? Explore our list of 6 essential qualities to look for in a brokerage here

Consider Location

One of the most important details of a brokerage is the areas they work in. There are many neighbourhoods across the GTA, each one offering something unique for residents. As an agent, you’ll want to work in communities that excite and inspire you. Perhaps you want to work in the same place you currently call home? Or maybe you want to use your years of personal connection and knowledge to work with clients in the neighbourhood you grew up in. Regardless of your goals, working with a brokerage that operates in areas you’re passionate about is an easy way to stay motivated throughout your career. 

As an extension of this, you will also want to consider finding a brokerage that operates close to you. While being an agent generally means spending lots of time on the road, you’ll want to ensure you have a manageable commute when you do use the office. 

Ask About Mentorship and Support 

If you’re a new agent, jumping into the deep end of Toronto’s competitive housing market right away may not be the best way to start your career. While many brokerages offer some form of training for new agents, you’ll want to ensure you work with an agency that can support your unique needs best. When speaking with brokerages, ask about their approach to agent education and development. Some may offer in-depth mentorship programs at no extra expense, others may offer it in exchange for a cut of your commission. Be thorough in your research and understand the kind of support you’re looking for. 

Advanced career support and a continuous flow of prospects are just some of the ways joining the Lino Arci Team can help elevate your career. Learn more here

Brokerage Size

From smaller teams with less than 10 members to larger groups with over 100, brokerages can vary greatly in size. As an agent, it’s important to recognize the impact that a brokerage’s size can have on your career. Working with a smaller team could mean more hands-on support, whereas a larger team could offer you a steady volume of prospects to help you get your career started. 

While big and small offices both have their advantages, you may enjoy the working environment of one over the other. Ideally, you’ll find a brokerage with a balanced size to best suit your needs. 

At the end of the day, choosing a brokerage comes down to who you will be working with. Regardless of size, you’ll want to find a brokerage with like-minded agents and support staff, a positive workplace culture and resources that can help you elevate your career. 

Be Aware of Specialities

If you’re looking to pursue a specific niche in real estate such as commercial properties, you’ll want to work with a brokerage that caters to that specialty. There are several brokerages that work exclusively in narrow or specialized markets across the GTA. 

Ask Other Agents

By speaking with other local agents, you can get an insider’s perspective on the brokerages in your area. If you know an agent who shares similar values, ask them about their brokerage search and what influenced their decision to work where they do now. With these insights, they can help you narrow down your search. Once you found a brokerage you’d like to work with, speak to both current and former agents if you can. 

When speaking with other real estate agents, it’s important to consider their relationship to the industry compared to yours. For instance, an agent who has been in the industry for over a decade may not have the same needs as a newer agent. Inversely, agents with less experience may respond to brokerage structures differently than industry veterans. 

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