Homeward Bound Newsletter – May 2021

May 5, 2021 / Real Estate Newsletter


Just about every May I sit down to write Homeward Bound; I write about Mom’s Day. And why not… it is a very special day for very special people.

My Mom used to tell me, seemingly repeatedly, to do this and do that, not to do this and not to do that.  ALL, I recall, very valuable advice. Looking back on it all these many years later, I can say she was, and still is, a very wise woman.

Time reveals, in fact, just about every caring Mother is a Wise Woman. I can see why we carve out a special day each year to acknowledge Moms.  So here is a shout out to all Mom’s – Happy Mother’s Day!!

My birthday is May 11th which somehow seems to fall on or very close to Mother’s Day each year.  So, my mom gets double the hugs and appropriate accolades every May from me and my family.

If you or a friend are thinking about selling, make sure to choose a real estate company you can trust!

A real estate company with experience, proven results and a give-back philosophy!

Unfortunately, My Mom’s Mom is no longer here. I am sure that makes her very sad this time of year.  I am sure some reading this can relate and have similar stories.  For ALL those whose Mom is no longer with us, may you remember the best about them. In addition to that, there are also many who never knew their Mom due to unfortunate circumstance. I bet someone played that role in their life and they too deserve a Happy Mother’s Day!

Regardless, we can celebrate this Mother’s Day knowing Moms both here and no longer here are special in more ways than we can count. 

Especially… the Moms being helped by SickKid’s Hospital.

The reason for the headline is because 30 seconds is about all it takes to think about who you know that may be considering buying or selling the place they call home and to give us a call.  If it is you, then awesome! If it’s a friend or family member, that’s great too!

They are able to provide this care and keep patient costs to a minimum due in large part to Donations and Sponsorships. Their Research Centre which contributes to many breakthroughs solely relies on donations so it’s crucial they get the monetary support they need. We are proud to be an official sponsor of SickKids Hospital.


Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to our real estate sales team? Not only will they benefit from our award-winning real estate service, a very worthy cause will benefit as well. To refer anyone considering buying or selling a home contact Lino Arci or pass Lino Arci’s contact info on to them!  Thank you in advance for your referrals!

Over the decades of helping thousands and thousands of families sell or buy the place they call home, we have met so many wonderful, loving, caring people. We are so grateful. Thank you for reading over this months Homeward Bound, and thank you for referring anyone you know considering buying or selling to my team. They will be in good hands and a very worthy cause will benefit as well. 

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