Fall in Love With Your Home Again!

Sep 30, 2020 / Homeowners

We’re spending more time at home than ever. You may be noticing some things you don’t like. Anyone can get tired of coming home to the same scene every day. Same furniture. Same colors. Same tired, old vibe. Don’t blame your house! Instead, revitalize your space room-by-room by making inexpensive but impactful home improvements.

Remember when you first moved into your house? 

You felt like your home was made just for you: It fit your budget, your goals, and even your personality. In short, you fell in love. But the funny thing about love is, it can change over time. You start to notice squeaky floorboards, experience space shrink, and before you know it, your home’s luster begins to fade. You have fallen out of love. And you know what? It happens.

But there are ways to rekindle the love for your home without major upheaval and cost. So while you’re saving money or gearing up for another move, use these easy home improvement ideas to refresh your living space and remind yourself why you fell in love in the first place.


#1 – Freshen up your home

Focus on key areas in each room that are easily transformed to make an immediate impact. 

In the Living Room..

Freshen up your entire room by changing a single piece of furniture, your couch/sofa. You don’t need to replace it to give it a new look. Mix up the prints, colors, and sizes on your throw pillows to add some unexpected visual interest to the space.

In the Bedroom..

Your bed’s linens, including the sheets and duvet cover, are excellent opportunities to instill life back into the room. Go bold, but not too wild. The only things better than clean sheets are new sheets. Try capitalizing on the space above your mattress. Because the eye is naturally drawn to your bed, hanging a new piece of art above it or replacing the headboard can instantly add drama to the space and create a new focal point for the room.

In the Bathroom..

Swap out your shower curtain for something that’s updated and stylish. Have a glass-enclosed shower? No problem. Invest in some new towels to brighten bath time.


#2 – Lose the junk

If you haven’t used something within the past year, toss it or pass it along to someone who can make better use of it. De-cluttering instantly makes space feel more open and functional. And sloughing off some unnecessary junk often lightens an emotional load, too.


#3 – Lighten up your Home

You may be surprised how a new lamp or fixture can dramatically change the mood of the room. It is one of the most important things to consider when setting up your space.

Reevaluate your lighting in each room to make sure you’re maximizing its potential. Consider functionality first. What activities take place in each room? Do you need light for reading? Food prep? Every light in your home should serve a purpose.


#4 – Make that upgrade you’ve always wanted

Whether it’s a new double oven or a hardwood floor in the entryway, something brand new may recharge your dwindling appreciation for your dwelling. Choose a home upgrade that adds value, and in addition to enjoying it for yourself, you may also better position your home for resale down the road.

You can also consider a DIY-inspired upgrade. Refinish rather than replace the floors, or give kitchen cabinets a fresh coat of paint and new hardware. The impact on your home will far outweigh the impact on your wallet!


#5 – Re-evaluate your needs!

Your needs are almost certainly different now than when you first moved in. After you’ve de-cluttered, redecorated, and re-envisioned your home, take the time to also reevaluate whether or not it can still satisfy your needs. These easy DIY home improvement ideas may help you find that loving feeling again. But sometimes, not even these techniques are enough to turn things around.


#6 – Consider a Mortgage Refinance

With a mix of low mortgage rates and having equity built up in your home, a refinance can be the final push that reinvigorates your relationship with your homestead.

Refinancing your mortgage gives you the flexibility to do what you’d like: lower your monthly mortgage payment, save on interest, or take cash out to fund one of the home upgrades mentioned above. Consider these options:

  • Reduce your interest rate: With rates still near historic lows, there’s a good chance you could lock in a lower rate than the one you currently have. Depending upon the loan you choose, you could decrease your monthly payment.
  • Shorten your loan term: Reducing your term, say, from a 30-year fixed to a 15-year fixed, allows you to save on interest over the life of your loan. You may even be able to refi to a shorter loan term and pay about the same each month.
  • Do a cash-out refi: Here, you refinance your existing mortgage into a new one with a larger outstanding principal balance and pocket the difference. Need to consolidate credit card debt, help save for college tuition or fund home improvements? A cash-out refi could be your answer.


There are plenty of ways you can improve your home – and your relationship with it – to rekindle that burning love to your home. 

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