5 Things To Do In Vaughan to Kick Off the School Year

Aug 30, 2019 / Lifestyle

It happens every year. The weather warms up, vacations begin, and it starts to seem like summer will last forever. When fall rolls around, it’s easy to feel like your family isn’t ready. Did the kids get outside to play often enough? Have you spent plenty of quality time together? And when will you find the time to buy all of those back-to-school items?

While September can be a stressful time for families, there are a few steps you can take to get back into the swing of things. Here are five things you should to do to mark the end of summer and prepare the kids (and yourself) for fall….

1) Go school supply shopping (again)

It’s a moment most parents have to deal with at some point. The first day of school is fast approaching—or maybe it’s already come and gone. Suddenly, you realize you’ve forgotten the graph paper, erasers, or pencil crayons. You’re going to need to head back to the store for supplies, but don’t feel bad about it. You may even want to factor the extra trip into your schedule. If you do, consider heading to the Staples in Woodbridge or the Walmart in Maple. Both stores provide a great selection and fantastic prices!

2) Soak up the sun 

It won’t be long before the cooler weather sets in, but there’s still some time left before it does. Why not make the most of the sun while it’s still here? Grab the kids, slap on some sunscreen, and visit one of Vaughan’s gorgeous parks! While there are plenty of great options in and around the city, Boyd Conservation Park might just be the ultimate green space. With its many nature trails and picnic sites, it’s the perfect place to spend a day with the family—and relax before things start to get hectic.

3) Take one last swim 

Some kids (and adults, for that matter) are happiest when they’re in the water. Sound familiar? If so, now is the ideal time to squeeze in a family swim. Fortunately, Vaughan is home to a fantastic selection of public pools. The one at Al Palladini Community Centre is a local favourite—and for good reason. The facilities include a large pool, whirlpool, tarzan rope, and more. The little ones will have a ball here, and you will too! 

4) Have a nice family dinner—and treats! 

Dining out is nice at any time of year, but it can be especially fun during the carefree days of summer. What better way to mark the end of the season than by heading out to a family-friendly restaurant for a satisfying meal? There’s no shortage of options here in Vaughan, where you’ll find everything from French cuisine to Thai fare. That said, Ice Cream Patio should definitely be near the top of your list. This Italian hotspot serves up some of the best pizza in the city—and it’s spacious tables are perfect for families!

5) Read a book 

Children who enjoy reading tend to excel at it. That’s why picking up a book is one of the best things you can do with your child! To kick off the school year right, consider helping your little ones develop a love of literature. The best place to do that is at your local library. From Woodbridge to Kleinburg to Maple, you’ll find a branch that offers a great selection of kid-friendly titles. You can find the location nearest you by visiting the Vaughan Public Library website.

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