5 Tips For Selling Your Home in Winter

Nov 15, 2019 / Selling

Between the freezing temperatures and heavy snowfalls, winter may not seem like the best season to sell a home. Fortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The market is less competitive now than it is in spring or summer, which means sellers have an opportunity to make their homes truly stand out—and attract more interest from buyers in the process.

If you’re planning to sell your home during the winter, try these five tips for making a great first impression…

 1) Winterize your property 

 Buyers who visit your home want to know that it’s going to stay comfortable and run efficiently no matter the season. One of the easiest ways to assure them that your living space is winter-ready is by sealing any drafty windows and doors. There are a few different ways to do this, but adding weatherstripping or fresh caulking will usually do the trick. You may also want to get your furnace looked at, since buyers will usually ask when it was last serviced.

 2) Pull out the shovel 

 In winter, it’s always a good idea to clear a path to your home. It’s a safety and liability issue—one that becomes even more important when you have a lot of visitors. To ensure the safety of the home hunters who stop by for viewings, pull out the shovel. You may also want to borrow a snowblower for your driveway—and whatever you do, make sure your front steps aren’t slippery! You can de-ice them with the right combination of salt and sand. Ask an associate at your local home improvement store if you need advice.

 3) Optimize your lighting 

 It’s well known that most home buyers love natural light. Unfortunately, getting enough of it can be a challenge in the winter. To make your living space more inviting, supplement the light streaming in from your windows with warm LED bulbs. Of course, you should still leave your curtains open during both daytime and evening showings! The result will be more daylight overall, and an inviting glow for buyers who show up in the evening. For later showings, make sure your entranceway is also well lit. 

 4) Make it cozy 

 When it’s cold outside, make your home feel as cozy as possible for potential buyers. To highlight the contrast between your living space and the outdoors, use decor that evokes feelings of warmth and comfort. From plush pillows to soft throw blankets to richly-coloured rugs, add small touches that will warm your space up. If you have a fireplace, you may also want to have it lit when home hunters come calling.

 5) Heat things up 

 Last but certainly not least, keep your home warm during showing periods. Buyers who are coming in from the cold will appreciate it—and that could help strengthen the positive associations they have with your property. As a general rule, set your thermostat for about 21 degrees celsius. Even if you prefer to have your rooms a little bit cooler, it’s worthwhile to keep them warm when home hunters visit.

Thinking of selling your home? Get in touch today to learn more about the process—and how we can help!

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