3 Steps to Achieving Your 2019 Business Goals
Jan 15, 2019 / Homeowners
Now that a new year has arrived, have you set your 2019 goals? Are they strong enough to keep momentum through the year? This season often has us reflecting on the past 365 days and dreaming about what the next twelve months could contain. With so many people giving up on their resolutions in the first three months, it’s important that our goals have the strength to keep us moving forward.
Studies have shown writing down your goals is the first step in achieving them – after all, keeping your “eye on the prize” is a natural motivator. Keeping your vision clearly in front of you helps it stay top of mind, something everyone from Napoleon Hill to Tony Robbins encourages for making it a reality. Here are three tips to keep your goals progressing through the year:
This acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Being specific includes the who, what, when, where, and why of the goal. Measurable means quantifying where you are now and where you want to be with methods in place to track progress.
Attainable means that your goals can be met in the timeline. It also asks you to consider what it would take to make it possible. For example, do you need a new credential? More administrative support? More contacts in your database? Being realistic doesn’t mean setting your goals low, but rather setting them in a way that stretches you while also being possible. Be honest with yourself and ask if you are willing and able to do the work required to achieve the goal. If so, it is realistic.
Finally, make it timely by giving yourself a deadline – or multiple deadlines if you break down the goal into building blocks. Deadlines create a sense of urgency that pushes us to get it done.
Getting clear about how to achieve the goal will help you break it down into more manageable, forward-moving steps. Look at what is needed to make your goal attainable. Break your goal down as far as you need to (i.e., daily tasks, weekly or quarterly objectives) to systematically reach your long-term goal.
There is a lot to be said about gratitude, fun, and celebration. Sometimes we get so driven and focused on outcomes that we forget to celebrate the small stuff. Make it a regular practice to look for fun in your day, express gratitude for the progress you are making, and celebrate each small achievement on your way to your big goals.
Don’t consider it a failure if something doesn’t quite work. Sometimes goals are made, but then life happens – something unexpected and out of your control surfaces. Give yourself time, permission, and grace to re-evaluate and adjust.
Need guidance on your 2019 business goals? Let me help. Give me a call and I’d be happy to give some feedback and direction. 416-571-2724 (ARCI)
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